If you’ve just started looking, you’re probably concentrating on
the home you want: the size, the number of rooms, the yard, and
perhaps the layout of the kitchen or the size of the closets.
In other words, you’re looking at the house and lot themselves, and
not what’s around them.
Before you focus on the house, however, there are 4 other important
points to consider.
The location: Think about where you go every day, be it to work,
school, shopping, recreational facilities, health clubs, or even
Confine your Pittsburg, CA home search to areas that will put you in easy
distance to the most important places you need or want to go.
Otherwise, you’ll begin to resent both the time spent on the road
and the dollars spent on fuel.
The Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions (CC&R’s): If the Pittsburg, CA
homes you like are in subdivisions with CC&R’s be sure to read the
documents carefully. Some communities restrict everything from where
you can park on your own property, to the screen door you put up, to
the color of paint you can use, to the number and size of pets you can
If you can’t live with the CC&R’s, don’t even consider
purchasing a home in that subdivision, because the rules will not bend
for you.
The noise level: Once you’ve begun to look at homes, notice the
* If there’s more road noise than you like today, know that it’s
likely to increase in the future.
* If there are dogs barking, find out if it’s a continuous or
occasional disturbance.
* If someone in the neighborhood is playing music at full volume, ask
around to see if that happens regularly or is a once-in-a-while
If you’re serious about a neighborhood and noise levels concern you,
go back at different times of day to park and listen. Can you get used
to it or will you begin to dislike being at home because of it?
The location relative to other homes: When you buy in an established
neighborhood, you can see how others care for their homes. You’ll
also know if nearby structures are single family homes, multifamily
properties, or commercial buildings.
When you buy at the edge of a subdivision or neighborhood, adjacent to
vacant land, you have no way to predict what may occupy that land in
the future. You can check current zoning, of course. But you can’t
guarantee that the zoning won’t change.
When you’re ready to begin searching for a home here in Pittsburg, CA, get in
touch. I’ll be happy to help you find just the home you want – in the
location that will make you happy to be at home any day of the week.