Today we are talking about something we all hate to deal with, and that’s evictions. Our blog will provide an introduction to the topic. We aren’t attorneys, so I’m not giving you any legal advice, but we are sharing some tips on how to deal with tenants who need to be evicted.
When a tenant isn’t paying rent, you often find yourself with no choice but to evict. This is one of the most common reasons to evict someone. The other reason is Cure or Quit, when there is a lease violation that needs to be dealt with. You give the tenant time to make necessary corrections and if they don’t they get evicted. However, unpaid rent is always the most common reason for eviction.
A common thing that goes wrong is for housing providers to include late fees and utilities that are owed. We understand you want all your money, but only the outstanding rent can go on a Three Day Notice. Put the rent owed and the date range for which it’s overdue. For example, you might say from December 1 to December 31, $1,400 is outstanding. There are other things required, but this mistake is usually the most common. Don’t tack on additional fees.
We suggest using a real estate attorney. California is very tenant-friendly, so as a housing provider you need to use every resource available to make sure everything is perfect. We have qualified attorneys on retainer and we let the experts handle what they know best. With an eviction, you don’t want to waste time. You want to get the tenant out not because you’re a bad person, but because you’re in a business and you want to get paid for providing housing to your tenant.
This is a very general overview of a complicated process. If you have any questions about eviction, please contact us at Wolfgang Property Management. We often help housing providers who have been managing properties by themselves and then don’t know what to do when the rent stops coming in. We can step in and help you out.